AXEL’s MoldWiz® F-57L/NC is a liquid, polymeric external release agent available in bulk liquid form that dries at room temperature and provides a cosmetic release. F-57L/NC is good for epoxy, polyesters and vinyl-esters including gel coats, plugs, masters, releasing from wood surfaces, rubber molds, and general mold making.



External mold releases (EMR) are materials that are applied to the mold surface prior to molding. EMRs provide an important barrier between tool surfaces and the materials used to make that part. While there is no universally best mold release, many manufacturers find that liquid releases are easier to apply than paste wax. Liquid release agents, like the MoldWiz® F-57L/NC, can provide multiple cosmetic releases unlike paste waxes that need to be reapplied for every part. Waxes also leave a thick buildup quickly. F-57L/NC is an improvement over paste wax both in technology and performance allowing for enhanced productivity and more releases between re-application.

MoldWiz® F-57L/NC is good for short runs, difficult molds, and is a good intermediate step between paste wax and semi-permanent mold releases. As a paste wax improvement, it is easy to use and will not interfere with secondary operations such as bonding, or painting.

To apply, use a 100% cotton cloth wiping uniformly using a circular motion. Coat the entire mold without polishing. Allow this first coat to haze dry (this takes only a few minutes depending on room temperature condition). Apply a second coat in small areas (1m² / 3ft²) and while the surface is still wet, immediately wet-polish with a dry, clean cloth until F-57L/NC is no longer visible.

For hard and difficult parts, a third wet-polish coat may be necessary. Wait at least 30-60 minutes before beginning to mold. Repeat wet polish application between parts gradually working up to multiple releases before re-application of the F-57L/NC.

AXEL suggests using a 1-3-5 break-in cycle:
• Demold only 1 part. Apply 2 wet polishing coats consecutively. Wait 30 minutes before molding.
• Demold 3 parts, re-apply 2 wet polish coats of F-57L/NC consecutively (always use a dry, clean cotton cloth). Wait 30 minutes before molding.
• Demold 5 parts. Re-apply 2 wet polish coats of F-57L/NC consecutively (always use a dry, clean cotton cloth). Wait 30 minutes before molding.

At this point, the mold is ready for production molding and should give continuous releasing effects characteristic to the mold. Releases may be in the range of 6-20 parts depending on mold quality, use of tooling gelcoat, mold geometry and especially releasing from a male or female mold. In a female mold, polyester and vinyl-ester parts will generally shrink away from the mold providing easier demolds and a greater number of demolded parts before re-application. With a male mold, the parts generally shrink onto the mold surface and cause greater abrasion to the mold release coating. Low to no shrink resins, such as: epoxies, DCPD’s, etc., can have the opposite effect.

For more information about this or any other AXEL product, please contact your Link sales representative or go to

Note: Polishing is optional and designed to provide a high gloss surface. For a matte finish simply wipe on the F-57L/NC until thin and even and allow to dry.

All information provided about AXEL products are based upon our tests and experience. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill and at their own discretion and risk. AXEL assumes no liability in connection with the use of this or any other AXEL product.

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