CRYSTIC MATCHED TOOLING: high quality tool moulding solutions from Scott Bader

Crystic RTR 4000PA is a new, improved rapid tooling resin which helps to achieve faster mould making and eliminate surface distortion. It is a superior product from Scott Bader’s new mould making system, which also comprises Crystic GC14PA and Crystic VE679PA skincoat. With the help of this product, it is possible to make high quality tools with outstanding surface quality.

Features :

• Conventional SB Tooling offering
• Crystic GC12PA (Tooling gelcoat)
Better chemical / thermal resistance compared to Iso GC

• Crystic 474PA (Tooling resin)
High HDT Orthophthalic resin
Good physical properties
Relatively economical

Pattern Finishing with prime coat and gloss coat

New Improved Tooling solutions.
Very low shrink for perfect plug reproduction and unaffected by thermal stress encountered during the moulding process.
• Superior surface finish, no print through.
• Low exotherm, allowing multiple layer laminates.
• Rapid cure, allowing fast de-moulding & mould commissioning
• ~80% time saving over classical approach

New products that work together :
To give the ultimate in surface finish and mould longevity.
• Crystic Gelcoat 14PA (tooling gelcoat)
• Crystic Crestacoat 5000PA (Barrier coat)
• Crystic VE679PA (Vinyl ester skin coat) Along with rapid cure
• Crystic RTR 4000 PA (low shrink tooling resin)
To give quicker turn around & mould commissioning.

Crystic® Gelcoat 14PA
Crestomer chemistry combined with vinyl esters.
• Tougher, more heat resistant and flexible than an iso-NPG tooling gelcoat
• Easier to apply and use than a vinyl ester tooling gelcoat. an be polished to high gloss with reduced print through.
• Far more styrene resistant than other tooling gelcoats



• It is common practice to apply two layers of gelcoat to a pattern or plug when making a mould, allowing the first to cure before applying the second
• Conventional gelcoats’ first layer absorbs styrene from the second layer when it is applied.
This swells the first layer and causes undercure proportional to the thickness of the layer. Crystic Gelcoat 14PA is NOT susceptible to this
• Although it feels like a conventional gelcoat when applied, it cures virtually tack free – this is normal


Standard lay – up

This mould surface shows the waviness typical of a conventional mould


Crystic® Crestacoat 5000PA


This mould surface clearly shows the benefit of using the Matched Tooling System


Crystic® VE679PA
• DCPD modified epoxy vinyl ester resin
• Easy wet-out, uses standard MEKP – no gassing.
• Used in 300g/m2 CSM skin coat layer behind Crestacoat® 5000PA Print Blocker
• Low shrink characteristics make it ideal to further enhance surface finish


Crystic RTR 4000 PA

• Very rapid cure/ Barcol surface hardness build
• Low cost catalyst

Day 1:- GC, VE skincoat, 4 x 600 gm2 RTR 4000 PA
Day 2:- Demould
Day 3:- Commission mould

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