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Lantor Soric® Composite Material

Flexible core material and infusion medium in one

For closed mould processes Lantor offers a unique and patented product range of core materials that are both flexible and compression resistant. Soric is a polyester nonwoven material with a compression resistant hexagonal (XF, SF, LRC) or random dot-printed (TF) cell structure. These pressure-resistant cells, which are separated by channels, contain synthetic micro-spheres. The cells do not absorb resin and therefore limit the total resin up-take. Since these cells are pressure resistant, they create thickness in the laminate even when pressure is applied by vacuum bag. The channels facilitate resin flow and form a pattern of cured resin with good mechanical properties and excellent bonding to the outer skins. During the infusion process, the Soric® core works as a flow medium and enables steady and inter-laminar impregnation. Once the process is finished, the impregnated Soric® is an excellent bonded honeycomb structured core that offers weight reduction and cost efficient stiffness.

Because of these unique properties and characteristics, Soric can be used as:
• Thin core (bulker), adding stiffness, while reducing weight
• Inter-laminar resin flow medium, eliminating the need for other (disposable) flow media
• Print blocker (liner), that meets the most demanding cosmetic and finish requirements.n resistant


Types of Soric
Lantor Soric® SF

Soric® SF is a general-purpose grade for thin laminates. This grade balances resin flow with surface quality. The honeycomb structure formed during the process provides good shear properties








Dimensional data

Typical mechanical properties of Lantor Soric® SF*
impregnated with unsaturated polyesther resin

Lantor Soric® XF


 The Soric® XF grades have fast resin flow combined with optimized weight reduction. The hexagonal pattern offers a reduced resin consumption making the Soric® XF grade suitable for thicker laminates

Dimensional data



Typical mechanical properties of Lantor Soric® XF*
impregnated with unsaturated polyesther resin

Lantor Soric® TF

Soric® TF is the ideal product for the most demanding cosmetic and surface requirements. As it is designed for use as a print blocking material, this grade does not have a honeycomb structure. Soric® TF is suitable for infused laminates and prepreg processes.





Dimensional data

Typical mechanical properties of Lantor Soric® TF*
impregnated with unsaturated polyesther resin

Lantor Soric® LRC

The Soric® LRC grade is used in thin-walled sandwich structures where flow is required, but resin consumption is critical. In this low resin consumption grade, the resin uptake is kept to a minimum, without any loss of flexibility.





Lantor Soric properties

• A cost-effective solution for closed mold processes
• Used as core material and infusion medium
• Pressure stable polyester nonwoven and compatible with all regular types of resins
• Suitable for closed mold mold processes including Infusion, RTM Light and RTM Heavy


Marine hulls, decks and structures of boats and Yachts
Transportation: Parts and panels of cards, trailers, trucks and RVs
Mass Transit: interior and exterior of trains, light rail and buses
Leisure: kayaks, surfboards, pools and tubs
Industrial: cladding panels, fans, containers and tanks
Wind Energy:nacelle covers and spinners

For more information on Lantor’s range of sorics, kindly email us at

What is the Real Cost of Mold Release?

Axel’s Solvent-based Release Agents are a cost-effective solution to the problems that plague users of paste wax.

All manufacturers have the same goals: trim the cost of manufacturing, sell more products, and make more money. Unfortunately while mold release is an essential part of composite manufacturing, the cost and value of mold release products, unlike the costs of resin, reinforcements, is often poorly understood. The fact that many molders refer to all types of mold release simply as “wax”, underscores the fact that purchasing decisions for release products is often simply based on the cost/kilo, and so paste wax is often chosen.

A purchasing decision based solely on a cost/kilo approach, fails to consider many factors that can significantly impact production and actually increase production costs. To truly determine cost and value of mold release, the volume and frequency of application; the time required to prepare and maintain molds; and the effectiveness of release for the specific process, resin and part, should all be considered.


Although paste wax may appear to be more economical than a semi-permanent mold release, we must also consider how many coats of wax need to be applied before beginning to mold, and how frequently molds must be re-waxed. By comparison, a liquid semi-permanent mold release can be applied in a fraction of the time that it takes to apply wax, and a single preparation will yield many easy, perfect de-moldings.

Other equally important factors to consider are how well mold release is performing. Have your molds lost their gloss? Do they have residue from buildup of wax or resin? Do your parts release easily, or are your molds, or parts often damaged in de-molding? If you have any of these problems these add significant costs to your business and are hardly worth the “savings” you may think you are achieving in purchasing “wax”.

AXEL is a company that has manufactured high performance internal and external mold releases for more than 68 years. After great deliberation on the above issues, Axel Plastics Research Laboratories have come up with a series of solvent based release agents for all application processes.

AXEL currently offers the industry’s broadest range of products: long lasting XTE Nowater & solvent-based semi-permanents; easy-to-use MoldWiz® polymeric releases; and convenient PasteWiz® wax.

AXEL’s extensive line of external mold releases provides a wide variety of options to meet the demands of all composite processes including: open molding, vacuum bagging; resin transfer; compression molding; filament winding; cast polymers, SMC/BMC, and RIM.

OPEN MOLDING : Conventional Gel Coat—Troubleshooting Guide

1. INTRODUCTION—Even under the best of conditions, problems can occur due to accidents, mistakes and unanticipated changes. Listed are some of the various problems that can occur and how to solve them. Also remember that the gel coat is affected by the laminate, and good gel coat will not compensate for a poor laminate.

2. PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS—To isolate and diagnose the problem, give consideration to the following :

A. What does the defect look like?

B. Where does it occur? All over, random, isolated side or section?

C. Is it on all parts, some of the parts, or just one?

D. When did it first occur? Or when was it first observed?

E. Does it match up to a defect in the mold?

F. When were the defective parts sprayed?
1) Did it occur during a particular shift? Or from a particular spray operator?

2) Was it during a particular part of the day— when it was hot, cold, damp, or other?

G. Did the problem occur through all spray stations or just one in particular?

H. Where does it occur? In the gel coat film? Against
the mold? On the back side? Within the film?

I. What is the code, batch number, and date of the gel coat with which the problem is occurring? Were
good parts sprayed from this batch or drum?

J. Was anything done differently, such as a change in catalyst level, spray operator, method of application, or weather conditions?

K. How would someone else identify or describe the defect?

L. What were the weather conditions at the time the
part was sprayed?

M. What corrective steps were taken and were they effective?

N. Check the material or laminate that was applied to or on the gel coat.

Listed on the following pages are common gel coat problems and their usual solutions.
Photographs illustrating many of these problems are also included.

Common Gel Coat Problems and Solutions



Material gelled—in container ………………. Age …………………………..

Storage condition ……….

Use partial container first; keep covered.
Use within storage limitations.
Jagged tape lines ….. Gel coat starting to gel … Use less catalyst (do not go below recommended
minimum). Use double tape process. Use good tape
recommended for fine lines.
Pigment darting or specks …………………..
Contamination …………….
Foreign particles ………..
Clean pump and lines.
Strain and keep material covered. Keep overspray
minimized; be sure molds are clean; spray
perpendicular to mold surface.
Pigment separation or mottling …………………

Pigments separate from each other ………………..

Other …………………………..

Check for contaminants such as water or solvent. Dirty
Dry over-spray. (Keep a wet line.) Excessively applied
gel coat causing sagging. Excessively high delivery
rates causing flooding onto the mold surface.
Pinholes ……………….

Insufficient atomization …. Too high gel coat delivery rate. Not enough atomizing
Porosity ………….

Entrapped air ………………

Wrong catalyst……………….

No catalyst …………………….

Gel coat film thickness …….

Formulation ……………………

Water or solvent …………….
Pump cavitation ………………
Excessive mixing …………….

Wrong air pressure. Too high tens to yield fine porosity;
too low will produce larger, surface porosity.Check gel coat vendor for recommendation.

Check catalyst supply and alignment.

Applied too thick; use 18 ± 2 mils wet. Apply in two to
three passes.

Improper viscosity and/or resin solids. Check with vendor.

Check for contamination.

Check pump for air leaks.

Mix once a day for 10 minutes only.

Pre-release of the gel coat—
During cure, causing obvious surface distortion and low gloss ……………………


Occurring after cure; observed as visible
sharp distinct line (will not necessarily feel
line) with increased fiber pattern on the side
of the line that pulled away—sometimes
referred to as ‘heat’ or ‘shrink’ marks ….

Wrong catalyst ……………..

High catalyst level ………….

Low catalyst level …………..

Uneven and/or too thick
film ……………………………

Gel coat allowed to cure
too long …………………….

Gel coat resin solids too low ……………………….

Uneven cure ……………..

Mold release …………….

Clay …………………………

Too long of cure …………

Laminate curing too fast ……

Wrong type resin …..
Laminate curing uneven …

Refer to CCP recommended catalyst list.

Calibrate equipment and decrease catalyst.

Calibrate equipment and increase catalyst.

Check thickness, not to exceed, not to exceed 24 mils, wet. Ensure a consistent film thickness.

Gel coat should not be allowed to set on the mold for more than a few hours without laminating at least a skin coat. Varies with temperature—should be laminated same day.

Check with manufacturer; do not add styrene without
their approval.

Improperly dispersed catalyst.
Type and amount on the mold.
Some clays cause an oily residue and pre-release.
Change type of clay, dust the clay with a very fine
powder or over-spray with PVA.

Laminate sooner—don’t lap or jar the mold.

Check for proper catalyst level. Build laminate in stages.

Too high in exotherm.
Low resin solids. Uneven laminate thickness. Check
resin to glass ratio.
Resin drain-out or puddling.

Resin tearing—or resin separation …………

Pigments separate from
resin ………………………..Application…………………
Check for sources of water contamination.
Avoid over-spray. Improper spray techniques create
excessive over-spray, droplets and flooding. Can be
aggravated by long gel time and sagging. Do not allow
over-spray to dry; keep a wet line.
Sags and runs …… Excessive gel coat ……….
Spray techniques ………Low viscosity …………….

Mold wax ……………..
Other ……………………..

Apply 18 ± 2 mils, wet.
Atomizing air is pushing and blowing the gel coat. Not
enough styrene is being volatilized.
Check viscosity and thixotropic properties. Overagitated.
Material was reduced, but should not have been.
Silicone content too high.
Jarring the mold before gelation.
Softness …………… Soft gel coat film which be easily matted ………… Incomplete cure of gel coat.
Check catalyst levels, contaminants and film thickness.
Splotches after demolding … Solvent contamination ….. Ensure that all solvent has been flushed out of spray
equipment lines.
For internal mix equipment, ensure that solvent flush line is not leaking.
Splotches after parts are sanded and buffed—
also referred to as ‘leathery,’ pebbly,’ ‘chicken skin’ ……..
Over-spray ………………

Not maintaining a wet line ……………………

Cure ………………………


Do not allow over-spray to accumulate.

Spray laps within five minutes.
The total film must cure as a total homogenous film
rather than several independently cured thin films.

Water spotting—see also fading …………..
Usually caused by exposure with a combination of excessive heat and moisture ………Poorly cured gel coat …….

Certain chemical treatments such as chlorine and/or cleaners ……………………….

Exposure of parts to moisture too quickly after fabrication ………………..

Use only a product recommended for the particular application. Improper shrink-wrap. Use only a product (and recommended procedures) applicable to gel coats.

Check for both over- and under-catalyzation.

Misuse of these chemicals.

Allow one week ambient cure before service.

Yellowing of gel coat—gel coat yellows rapidly and unevenly when exposed to sunlight and/or heat and moisture; on ‘Weathering’ ……….

Polystyrene/wax buildup on the mold which has transferred to the part during molding …..


Inadequate gel coat cure:
Improper catalyzation which results in inadequate cure of gel coat ………………..


Contamination such as solvent, moisture, or oil …………………………………




Improper or unauthorized
adjustment of the gel coat ……………………………………








Cold temperature during application……………………



Old material ………………….


Film cure inhibited by styrene vapors………………



Pre-release …………………






Excessively hot resin-rich laminates ………………







Resin tearing ………………..





Uneven gel coat film thickness ………………….




Cleaning the finished part with an alkaline cleaner ……………………………..





Holding gun too close to the mold …………………….

Spraying in one pass ……

Insufficient atomization ….

Perform regular mold-cleaning program. Do not clean
mold with styrene or used, dirty, or reclaimed solvent.

Check catalyst (bad or old lot batch) and catalyst level.
Use only a recommended catalyst and maintain the
proper level of catalyzation. (See the product data

These contaminants will affect the gel coat’s cure.
Look for moisture or oil in air lines, moisture or other
contaminants in solvents used to cut the catalyst or
other sources of contamination.

Do not add any material (other than the recommended
methyl ethyl ketone peroxide catalyst) to the gel coat
without the advice of a CCP representative. The addition
of solvents or excessive additions of styrene, inhibitors,
accelerators, etc., will adversely affect the gel coat’s
cure and therefore its resistance to yellowing. Contact
a CCP representative if adjustment seems necessary.


Do not apply gel coat at temperatures below 60ºF;
permanent under-cure of gel coat may result.

Old material may be slow in gel and cure and will need adjustment. Consult a CCP representative.

Provide adequate air circulation for ‘deep well’ areas
where styrene vapors may collect.



Most of the conditions which cause pre-release will
also result in unusual gel coat yellowing, i.e., uneven
gel coat thickness, uneven catalyzation, uneven film
gel and cure, etc. Check for and eliminate any prerelease

Good laminating techniques must be followed. This
is especially true in deep well areas where the gel
coat is not likely to cure adequately. Unusually ‘hot’
laminates at this point in the gel coat’s cure may result
in permanent under-cure and more yellowing of the
gel coat.

Over-spray, excessive film build, flooding or contamination,
all of which can result in vehicle/pigment separation. A concentration of the gel coat vehicle on the surface of the part will result in more rapid
yellowing of the finished part.

Avoid flooding the gel coat or applying excessively
thick gel coat. Maintain the recommended 18 ± 2 mils
wet film coverage. Excessively thick gel coat films will
yellow more.

Do not use any strong alkaline cleaner (such as ammonia or other cleaner having a pH greater than nine) for cleaning a gel coat surface. A weathered gel coat can be yellowed by such cleaners.

Maintain proper distance.

Spray in multiple passes.

Gel coat must be atomized to fine particles.



Structural Adhesives: An update on Ashland’s Pliogrip™ Adhesives

Ashland’s Pliogrip adhesives are used in transportation, aerospace,infrastructure, industrial and aftermarket repair applications around theworld. Pliogrip structural adhesives have been the technology of choice for the world’s leading OEMs for the bonding of composite body assemblies, specialty components, under-the-hood or vehicle framing applications. Pliogrip is used to bond a variety of materials including FRP, CFRP, TPO, steel and aluminum.

Application examples:
• Automotive OEM: hoods, fenders, roofs, spoilers and panels
• Heavy-duty transportation: trains, trucks, buses, tractors
• Construction: bridges, poles, wind turbines
• Industrial: furniture, door, skins, bathtubs, sports equipment
• Marine: ships, and boats and personal watercraft






Pliogrip™ Polyurethane Adhesives

Wherever critical performance is required, Pliogrip polyurethane adhesives are used for bonding thermosetting composites including SMC,RTM and SRIM, thermoplastics and coated metals in automotive, truck,marine, farm equipment and recreational vehicle applications. Pliogrip polyurethane adhesives are two-part, 100% solid, reactive urethane chemistries and have been specified for the most demanding bonding applications. All products are supplied as resin/curative systems with excellent chemical and moisture resistance when cured. They exhibit high modulus strength, excellent fatigue performance and superior impact strength.

Key benefits:
• Tough; superior impact resistance especially at low temperatures.
• High sag resistance compared with gravity flow single components.
• Imperceptible shrinkage; very low risk of surface distortion effects.

Pliogrip Epoxy Adhesives

Pliogrip epoxy adhesives are engineered to meet specific high heat and design requirements for the structural assembly of composite or metal substrates. The unique adhesive technology provides durable bonds on composite lift gates, tailgates, hoods, body panels and other parts. These adhesives are two-part, 100% solids, and reactive epoxy chemistries. Whenever high heat resistance or adhesion to bare metal surfaces is required, Pliogrip epoxy adhesives are the technology of choice. Ashland has developed modern high performance epoxy chemistries to offer a range.

Key benefits:
• Paint bakes up to 230°C.
• Long-term durability at elevated temperatures up to 200°C.
• Superior chemical resistance.

Pliogrip™_ Acrylic Adhesives

Pliogrip structural acrylic adhesives are designed for bonding GRP composites in marine, wind transportation and general assembly applications. Acrylic adhesives provide significant performance advantages with their ability to adhere to a wide range of thermoplastics, metals and composite materials with just little or no surface preparation.

Key benefits:
• Excellent adhesion to many substrates with little or no surface    preparation.
• Less boil during cure compared to competitive acrylic adhesives.
• Fast room-temperature cure; low-cost tooling.

Information courtesy: Ashland India Pvt. Ltd.

Link is proud to represent Gurit

Gurit is an innovator and developer of composite solutions

Gurit has established itself as a developer and innovator in the composites industry and positioned itself as the leading global supplier of composite materials, engineering services, tooling equipment, and select parts and systems. Gurit has established itself as one of the leading global manufacturers and suppliers of composite materials and technology. Over 30 years’ experience in the practical application of composites across various market sectors, combined with an impressive portfolio of materials and a unique technical approach, enables Gurit to offer the most complete composite solution in the market.


These are the sectors that Gurit serves :
• Wind Energy
• Aerospace
• Rail
• Automotive
• Marine
• Industrial
• Ocean Energy

Gurit’s experience in each of these market sectors and more, makes Gurit the ideal partner for any project that is considering composite construction.

Features and benefits of composites :
Though we are aware of this already, it’s always good to read the benefits and features of composites. Here they are :
• Lower weight than common alternatives
• Corrosion resistance
• Lower maintenance
• Corrosion resistance
• Longevity of part
• Ease of moulding into complex shapes
• Cost savings for the end user

Through Link Composites, GURIT (INDIA) is your local supplier of a large range of reliable and proven advanced composite materials, as well as a provider of customer-focused technical support.

Founded in 2007, Gurit India is located in the central city of Pune, and is well established in the wind energy and defense/aerospace sectors, supplying core materials, prepregs, formulated products and wind blade moulds to customers throughout India. Girt’s class-leading products, systems and services are now accessible to composite part manufacturers across all market sectors.

Gurit has been successful in achieving a number of firsts in the Indian wind energy market


Core material
Laminating systems
Infusion systems
Vacuum consumables
Reinforcement fabrics

Structural engineering
Composite part manufacturing

Pigment Pastes: Shades of Excellence

Many industries employ colouring processes designed to enhance colour uniformity, recognition or aesthetic appeal. The producer must deliver a product of the desired colour with its variation controlled to an extent appropriate for the application and the customer’s expectation. The manufacture of pigment pastes is a blend of art and science.

Before making a pigment paste, the manufacturer is confronted with several questions. What is the end application? Where is the FRP component being used? Is it outdoors? Is it under water? Is the water saline? What is its temperature? Does the application call for translucency in the FRP component? Or should the FRP component be opaque? Will the FRP component be moulded at room temperature and low pressure? Or will it be moulded at elevated temperatures and high pressure? Only after the manufacturer has answered all these questions, does he talk of colour matching and shades. Here too, he has to think of loading of the pigment into Resin or Gelcoat. Pastel shades need more loading whereas darker colours require very little.

In terms of the basic pigments, there are several options from which to choose. There are Organic pigments and Inorganic pigments. Each group has its own set of properties, which influence how the final FRP product is going to look. Then there is the resin medium. It is a specially designed polyester resin that has to work synergistically with the pigment powder and yet be compatible with the plethora of resins and gelcoats available in the market place.

Contrary to popular belief, colour matching is not purely an art. It is a mathematical science governed by three of Grassmann’s Laws:

  • aQ1 + bQ2 = cQ3 + dQ4 i.e. 4 colours Q (1 – 4) are always related so that a match can be expressed by this equation, where a, b, c and d are not all zero and one or more can be negative multipliers.
  • If the multipliers are further multiplied by a constant, the match will still be maintained i.e. CKaQ1 + CbQ2 = CcQ3 + CdQ4
  • Many colours can be matched by additive mixtures of appropriate amounts of the 3 primary colours: Q(Q) = R(R) + G(G) +B(B) Any of the two primaries cannot be matched by additive mixtures of appropriate amounts of the 3 primary colours: Q(Q) = R(R) + G(G) +B(B) Any of the two primaries cannot be matched by a mixture of the other two.

By the same token, Colour Strength Absorption (K) determined by the colorant and Scattering Constants (S) determined by the substrate influence the Chromatic Strength which is the measure of the tinting strength of the colorant.
% Strength = (K/S) of the batch x 100
(K/S) of the Standard

When we talk of ‘tailor-made’ products, we mean not only from the point of view of colour and shade. The extent and chemical nature of the Toners, Extenders also influence not only how the colour will look but also how it will behave with extended weathering. Needless to add, that there are an equal variables at moulding stage: the gelcoat and its activity, the fillers used in making it, the activity and percentage of the catalyst and accelerator, and finally the substrate itself.

Technology Developments of Gelcoats (Part 2)

Innovations in Gelcoat technology:

R.Raghavan, Satyen Vora and Biju,K,
Satyen Scott Bader Private Limited


Introduction :
Crystic® Gelcoats have been designed with high levels of UV resistant additives and the highest quality-controlled coated grade of Titanium Dioxide.

Styrene is an aromatic reactive diluent used in the gelcoat and is one of the main causes of yellowing. Development of low styrene content Crystic® Gelcoats have yielded in low colour change and outstanding gloss retention for exterior application. Recent innovations include

Crystic EcoGel, Ultralow styrene gelcoat :
Crystic Ecogel is an ultra low styrene emission gelcoat recently launched at JEC 2013. The low styrene emission is achieved using unique Scott Bader Resin technology replacing a large amount of styrene (this product has only 16% styrene compared to standard spray gelcoats that have upto 40% styrene content) with less volatile lower odour monomers.

Customer trials and independent tests have shown that using Crystic Ecogel styrene emissions can be lowered by upto 55%.

Crystic Ecogel contains significantly less styrene odour than standard spray gelcoats – operators have notice a huge difference in their workshops

Product Styrene Content (%) Styrene emission Dynamic Phase (%) Styrene emission Static Phase (%) Total Emission (%)
Std. Spray
Crystic Ecogel

LM Wind Power now uses Crystic ultralow styrene emission gelcoat and have seen major reduction is styrene emission of upto 50% during their spray application.

Crystic® Permabright:
The advanced new D-Iso/NPG polymer technology resin chemistry used in Crystic® Permabright gelcoat has set a new standard in long term UV weathering performance. It provides significantly improved colour stability than existing marine Iso/NPG gelcoats. Markets expected to benefit from this new gelcoat technology are those where retaining a high level of aesthetic quality in exposed gel coated surfaces is highly desirable such as leisure marine, transportation and building.

The new D-Iso/ NPG Resin
D-Iso/NPG unsaturated polyester resin technology is unique to Scott Bader. It took over three years of research to develop this new resin chemistry, which derives its superior UV weathering properties from the chemical structure of the resin having a deconjugated polyester backbone. After many laboratory scale formulation tests and trials, it was discovered that a deconjugated Iso/NPG polyester was much more resistant to degradation from sunlight and UV radiation. Further tests demonstrated that if used as the base resin for a white pigmented gelcoat, the deconjugated polyester resin made a significant contribution to reducing yellowing and improving gloss retention.

Due to its superior weathering properties Crystic® Permabright is used in exterior application such as the marine industry.



Crystic® Fireguard® 75

Crystic® Fireguard® 75 is a Fire protection coating and is based on intumescences technology that provides a passive barrier to block the path of fire when exposed to direct flame. It achieves BS476 part 6 / 7, class 0 /1 when applied on a non fire retardant composite laminate.

Fire protection is ensured by its unique chemistry and its reaction when exposed to a direct flame. In simple terms, when fire attacks the intumescent topcoat, it causes a chemical reaction which makes the topcoat expand to form a non-flammable protective layer that insulates the surface over which it has been applied.

Crystic® Fireguard® 75 can withstand direct flame at a temperature of 700 deg C for 1 hour and this is a significant period of time to contain a fire and prevent it from rapidly spreading which can help to avoid catastrophic fire damage and save lives.

Fire protection is ensured by its unique chemistry and its reaction when exposed to a direct flame. In simple terms, when fire attacks the intumescent topcoat, it causes a chemical reaction which makes the topcoat expand to form a non-flammable protective layer that insulates the surface over which it has been applied.

Crystic® Fireguard® 75 can withstand direct flame at a temperature of 700 deg C for 1 hour and this is a significant period of time to contain a fire and prevent it from rapidly spreading which can help to avoid catastrophic fire damage and save lives.


Crystic® Fireguard® 75 – 1 hr fire resistance and has been used as a fire protection coating in the Saudi clock Makkah tower, the world’s biggest clock tower.

Crystic® Fireguard® 75 has been specified for over 30 years in critical internal applications which need to meet BS 476 Part 6 Class 0 or BS 476 Part 7 Class 1 FR test standards. It has been used for interior parts in buildings, rail and other public transport vehicles, as well as in the marine sector where it is used to protect the engine compartments of both pleasure craft and working boats.




Crystic® Fireguard® 75 had been applied to left hand side of the box above. Both sections had acetone poured in and were set alight. The fire really took hold in the uncoated side. When the flames were extinguished, it was clearly evident that the left hand side had been protected by Crystic Fireguard 75PA Excel.





What is a FRP system?

A fibre-reinforced resin system is a composite material consisting of a network of reinforcing fibres embedded in a matrix of thermosetting resins. Other materials like fillers and pigments may also be present, although they are not an essential part of the composite.

How is the resin used to form a composite material or laminate?

In general, the resin used consists of a syrupy liquid which, when combined with a suitable catalyst or hardener, can be cross linked into a hard infusible solid. The composite material or laminate is formed by impregnating the catalysed resin with fibrous material (usually in the form of a cloth or mat) and allowing the resin to cure. This process is carried out in a mould which may be open or closed. The resultant product is a fully cured moulding which is an exact replica in reverse of the original mould surface.

In general, where glass is used as the reinforcing fibre, the product is referred to as a fiberglass laminate, whereas if carbon fibre is used as reinforcement the product is referred to as a carbon fibre composite.


Why use FRP? The answers to this question are many and varied and may be simple or complex, owing to the fact that the family of materials which can be classified as FRP is vast. So we will list the advantages of only glass reinforced polyester resins below:

• Thermoset – does not change shape after heating
• Advantageous strength/weight ratio and rigidity
• Moulding size virtually unlimited.
• Ease of fabrication.
• Wide range of manufacturing techniques
• Low capital outlay – for hand lay-up
• One-off or few-off moulding is possible at reasonable cost.
• Considerable design versatility
• Can be combined with other materials… e.g. foams for buoyancy.
• Excellent water resistance
• Resistant to a wide range of chemicals
• Resistant to weathering and UV exposure.
• Can be coloured to give a maintenance-free finish.
• Fire retardant if required
• Transparent/ translucent if required
• Good electrical and thermal properties

imilar comments apply to glass reinforced epoxide resin systems although cure and handling characteristics and cured properties are a little different.

With carbon fibre reinforced resin systems the composites are, of necessity, black and so some of the advantages above do not apply. However, in this case specific strength and modulus are sufficiently greater than those of most other materials including metals that such composites are highly attractive to designers for applications where wt. is of prime importance.

Costs :
In the case of FRP, since the major resins – polyester and epoxide – are derived from oil, cost is related to crude oil price. In view of the world shortage of crude oil, and the continual price increases, FFRP costs will continue to rise. What long term effect this will have on FRP consumption will depend on a variety of other economic factors. Though in some areas one can foresee FRP being priced out of the market, in general the prospect for the future is unlikely to be as bleak as some would believe.
                                                                                                              – From the book FRP Technology by R.G.Weatherhead.

Technology Developments of Gelcoats

Crystic® Gelcoats are durable and are formulated using the correct rheology for both brush and spray application.

R.Raghavan, Satyen Vora and Biju,K,
Satyen Scott Bader Private Limited

Introduction :
The durability of the composite moulding is highly dependent on the quality of its exposed surface. The Gelcoat is the face of the composite moulding as it provides both protection and surface aesthetics
Gelcoat can be applied by brush or spray, though developments in gelcoat technology and spray equipment have combined to markedly increase the use of spray application methods.

Crystic® Gelcoats :
Whichever application method is chosen, it is important to choose a good Gelcoat, specially formulated with correct rheology for both brush and spray application.

Crystic® Gelcoats are formulated to provide superior long term performance derived from 50 years of reliability, experience and innovation.

Latest technology gelcoats include very low colour change, market leading Crystic® Permabright, ultra low styrene emission Crystic® Ecogel and Crystic® Fireguard intumescent topcoats, designed to protect composites from fire.


 Crystic® Gelcoats are used for application such as marine, land transport and construction.

Weathering :
When gelcoated laminates are used indoors, durable and decorative mouldings are easily achieved.
For exterior applications, problems with discoloration, fading, loss of gloss may be encountered if the gelcoat is not specifically designed for the application.

12 months tests at Florida

Crystic® gelcoats and 18 base pigments have been thoroughly tested and qualified by subjecting them to 12 months in intense sunlight of Florida, QUV and Xenon weathering tests. In addition Crystic® gelcoats are subjected to 1 year osmosis and blistering tests before qualifying for application such as marine.

Blistering tests for marine gelcoats

Crystic® gelcoats and 18 base pigments have been thoroughly tested and qualified by subjecting them to 12 months in intense sunlight of Florida, QUV and Xenon weathering tests. In addition Crystic® gelcoats are subjected to 1 year osmosis and blistering tests before qualifying for application such as marine.

Monsoons and Gelling Problems – help yourself!

The monsoons will be here soon, and gelling problems and gel-time issues are not far away. A little knowledge can help you get to the root of the problem yourself. If you are aware of the curing mechanism and approach the gel-time problem equipped with the correct knowledge, you won’t have any of these seasonal problems at all.

OPEN MOLDING : Conventional Gel Coat—Troubleshooting

1. INTRODUCTION—Even under
the best of conditions, problems can occur due to accidents, mistakes and unanticipated changes. Listed are some of the various problems that can occur and how to solve them. Also remember that the gel coat is affected by the laminate, and good gel coat will not compensate for a poor laminate.

2. PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS—To isolate and diagnose the problem, give consideration to the following :

A. What does the defect look like?

B. Where does it occur? All over, random, isolated side or section?

C. Is it on all parts, some of the parts, or just one?

D. When did it first occur? Or when was it first observed?

E. Does it match up to a defect in the mold?

F. When were the defective parts sprayed?
1) Did it occur during a particular shift? Or from a particular spray operator?

2) Was it during a particular part of the day— when it was hot, cold, damp, or other?


G. Did the problem occur through all spray stations or just one in particular?

H. Where does it occur? In the gel coat film? Against
the mold? On the back side? Within the film?

I. What is the code, batch number, and date of the gel coat with which the problem is occurring? Were good parts sprayed from this batch or drum?

J. Was anything done differently, such as a change in catalyst level, spray operator, method of application, or weather conditions?

K. How would someone else identify or describe the defect?

L. What were the weather conditions at the time the part was sprayed?

M. What corrective steps were taken and were they effective?

N. Check the material or laminate that was applied to or on the gel coat.

Listed on the following pages are common gel coat problems and their usual solutions. Photographs illustrating many of these problems are also included.

Common Gel Coat Problems and Solutions




Air Bubble

Air pockets 
Check rollout procedures.

Alligatoring—a wrinkling of the gel coat, resembling alligator hide

Before laminating—









After or during lamination, or a second application of gel
coat ———————-

Raw catalyst ——–

Solvent ————–

‘Cured’ over-spray—-

Thin gel coat ——-

Insufficiently cured gel coat————-


Check for leaks or over-spray.

Do not reduce with solvents.

Check for contamination. Maintain a wet line.

Use a minimum of 12 mils, wet. Discontinuous gel coat film.

Catalyst level too high or too low. Temperature too low. Gel time too long. Time between coats or lamination insufficient. Moisture or contamination in the mold.

Bleeding—one color shows on another, typically when color striping——————–


Laminate Bleed (cosmetic problem only)———————-

Striping gel coat sagging over ‘cured’ gel coat —————-


Monomer in laminating resin ——

Gel coat back side cure —————–

Check sag resistance of ‘striping’ gel coat.
Spray stripe coat as soon as possible. Spray thin film of stripe color over the ‘wet’ base coat.Check for excessive monomer in laminating resin.Change gel coat.
Blisters —

Appear shortly after part is pulled, especially when put in sun——-



Appear after part in field ——————


Water blisters ——-

Unreacted catalyst or under-cure ——


Solvent, water, or oil

Air pockets ———

catalyst ————

Solvent, water, or oil ——————-

Various ————-

Check percent catalyst, catalyst over-spray, mixing, and leaks.

Check air lines, material, and rollers.

Check rollout.

Check catalyst levels and distribution, film thickness— 18 ± 2 mils.
Check air lines, materials, and rollers.
See Part Four, Chapter VII.5 on ‘Blisters and Boils’ tests.
Chalking (gel coats will oxidize/chalk over an extended period of time; degree of chalking is related directly to the environment

Dry, chalk-like appearance or deposit on surface of gel coat (premature) ———










Cure —————-





Contamination —-



buffing ————–




Poor mold
condition ———–










Under- or over-catalyzation, producing incomplete cure. Check air lines, material, and rollers. Check catalyst level, film thickness, water and solvent contamination.

Surface soil picked up from atmosphere.


Wipe buffed area with solvent rag. If gloss remains, area is okay. If gloss dulls down, part needs more buffing.


Reduce sanding and buffing requirement on parts by keeping molds in good condition.

(mud cracking)—
Single or groups of independent or cres- cent-shaped cracks —-

Poor integrity of the gel coat film —

Trapped vapor or incompatible liquid which blows through the gel coat film on aging. Check catalyst level. Check for water, solvent, etc. Chemical attack. Temperature extremes.

Craters—while spraying Chunks in the gel
coat —————–Equipment ———

Dirt in the gun or material. Material old and starting to gel; rotate stock. Strain (filter) the gel coat.

Clogged gun (clean). Improper atomizing air setting (too low).

Cracks —


Spider cracks radiating out from a central point or in circles (reverse impact) —————

Stress cracks (cracking in parallel lines) ———














Impact from laminate side ——


Excessive gel coat film thickness —–


Mold mark ———

Impact ————–


Stress due to
flexing ————–





Mold mark ———














Check on handling and demolding procedures. Caution people about hammering on parts.

Use a mil gauge and do not go over 24 mils.


Defect in the mold.

Be careful.


Excessive gel coat thickness. Laminate too thin.
Pulled too green; laminate under-cured. Demolding or handling procedure. Sticking in the mold.


Defect in the mold.


In spots ————–





Large area ———–






Gel coat too fully cured





Contamination —-


laminate ————


Check for dust, solvents, moisture, catalyst getting onto the gel coat surface. Excess mold release wax floating through to the gel coat surface, creating areas that will not adhere.

Check for high catalyst level. Letting the gel coat cure too long, such as overnight; skin coat, rather than leave on the mold for long periods of time. Excess mold release wax or wax in the gel coat.

Solvent wiping, then waxing (around taped off areas),

Dry fiberglass.

Dimples—in the gel coat surface






Check for water, solvent, or improperly mix catalyst. Over-spray. Seedy resin. Excess binder on the glass mat.


Thin laminate or gel coat. Very dry laminate. Pin air entrapped. Post-curing of the laminate.

Dull gloss—on the gel coat—

When part is pulled –





























When and after part is pulled ————–



Rough mold ——–


Mold buildup ——





Polystyrene buildup —




Dirt or dust on mold —






Solvent or water —




Raw catalyst ——-







Rough PVA or wet PVA —————–



Insufficiently cured gel coat or laminate —



Polish out mold.


Wax and buff with cleaner. In most instances, what is called wax buildup is actually polystyrene buildup and should be treated as such.


Sand or scrub with brush and strong solvent; read precaution on solvent before using. DO NOT USE STYRENE.


Clean the mold. It is best to clean in the spray booth just prior to gel coating. Time span should be as short as possible between cleaning and gel coating. Use a tack rag.

Check for solvent or water. Drain water traps regularly.

Start catalyst flow from gun away from the mold. Only catalyzed gel coat should be sprayed into the mold.


Check spray technique.






Correct excessive or insufficient catalyst level in gel coat and laminate. Wait longer before pulling.


Check for low temperature (minimum of 60ºF). Check for contamination: water, air or solvent.

Dull or soft spots—at random ————— Gel coat uneven —


Catalyst poorly mixed into either gel coat and/or laminate ——





Trapped solvent in gel coat and/or laminate ————



Trapped water in gel coat and/or laminate.

catalyst —

Poor breakup; use three passes.


Mix catalyst thoroughly or make equipment
adjustments for good catalyst mix. Equipment surging (material pump and/or atomizing air). Improper cata lyst settings (high or low). Gun held too close to mold.


Check cleaning procedure. Check catalyst level with equipment using solvent reduced catalyst.


Drain lines and correct the problem. Confirm correct catalyst concentration.

Fading—see also water spotting ——- Poorly cured gel coat —————–



Improper cleaners or chemicals——–

Check catalyst levels and film thickness (18 ± 2 mils).


Do not use strong alkaline or acidic cleaners.

Fiber pattern and distortion—in parts










Insufficient cure —







Transferred from
mold —————-


Glass cloth ———




Woven roving ——





Gel coat too thin —

High exotherm of laminate ————










Correct excessive or insufficient catalyst level in gel coat and/or laminate. Wait longer before pulling, Do not pull while laminate still has heat. Check for low temperature. Check for contamination by water, oil, or solvent.


Refinish mold.


Too close to the gel coat. Should have two layers of cured 1.5 oz. mat or equivalent chop between gel coat and cloth.


Too close to the gel coat. Should have three layers of cured 1.5 oz. mat or equivalent chop between gel coat and woven roving.

Use 18 ± 2 mils, wet.


Cure laminate more slowly. Laminate in stages. Use lower exotherm laminating resin.


Water, oil, or silicone contamination —–



Dust / dirt on mold —



Gel coat film too thin –


Low viscosity
material ———–

Drain air lines. Check mold release wax. Excess and/or fresh coat of wax is worse.


Check lubricating materials used within the equip- ment. Use tack rag.


Use 18 ± 2 mils in three passes.


Old material—rotate stock.